
Kenya : 6 giraffes killed by drought captured in a devastating photo | Trendsfirst

This heart-wrenching image shot by Ed Ram shows six giraffes lying lifeless in the Sabuli Wildlife Conservancy in Wajir, Kenya. It clearly depicts the deadly impact of Kenya’s drought on the giraffe population.

The giraffes were trying to drink water from an almost dried-up reservoir nearby when they got stuck in the mud and died. They were weak from starvation and lack of water caused by a severe drought.

The whole region is suffering from acute food and water shortages due to prolonged drought. The main reason behind this is the region receiving less than 1/3rd of normal rainfall since September. This is affecting wild animals in the worst manner.

According to Kenyan newspaper The Star, 4,000 giraffes in nearby Garissa county risk being wiped out by an intense drought sweeping across the region.

President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the drought a national disaster in September. It is estimated that more than two million Kenyans face starvation due to the drought, which is impacting half the country.

Kenya’s National Drought Management Authority has said that many parts of the country were in “urgent need” of food aid.

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